It is something that I usually find interesting and informative. But I have to say the assertions made about the 'Homecoming' I find a bit of a 'put-down' I have only glanced through it and will return it later,but it seems to be saying that this didn't happen. Though the term used was 'shadow hunting'.It seemed to pour scorn on the idea that those who left Ulster in earlier centuries could have returned to Ulster later. I don't know why they find this so hard to believe. Nearly every historian who writes about Ulster and Scotland agree that there was always a constant stream of people going back and forward between the two countries.
Why is it so hard to believe that at least some of the descendants of these people did return to Ulster during the Plantation.
Also, it claims they were Celts,while those that believe in 'The Homecoming' would put the people concerned as being those who lived in Ulster before the coming of the Celts.