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China taking over Africa
RSAUBDate: Tuesday, 2011-12-27, 5:43 PM | Message # 1
Colonel general
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CulzieDate: Tuesday, 2011-12-27, 10:01 PM | Message # 2
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Fair play to China at least they are positive in their attitude. Remember as a young teenager discssing these things and remember some of the older kids saying that they thought China would rule the world. Maybe not too far off the mark and a bit prophetic as things are now turning out. China then was a like a third world country and I think their conclousions were based on the size of China's population and their expansion in that sense. I suppose that is what is happening now as they have plenty of people to spare.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Wednesday, 2011-12-28, 8:34 AM | Message # 3
Colonel general
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Yip, you have to admire them, they are only interested in what’s best for themselves and don’t give a damn about their reputation, at the end of the day, they are too powerful to do anything about them, so the West sits in silence.

We’re ok to tackle Iraq and Afghanistan, act as World peace-men, but in Countries like North Korea and China, were Human rights abuses are rampant, we don’t bat an eyelid, mainly as they have nuclear weapons.

In terms of Zimbabwe, it is a shame that the Chinese had to intervene, as without their financial aid to Mugabe and Zanu-PF their regime may have totally fell apart many years ago.

But every dog has it’s day. Once the White man civilised Africa, and reaped the rewards for it, nowadays white Europeans are suffering genocide in Southern Africa and now the Chinese are raping the Continent of it’s natural resources by paying off a few dictators, but every dog has it’s day.

It seems the whole World is changing, and the people from the old Nations described as Third World –India, Pakistan, China, Indonesia etc will rule the World in the future, not just due to their industry but sheer population and years of mass-migration to the West.
CulzieDate: Wednesday, 2011-12-28, 3:39 PM | Message # 4
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Yes numbers count, and sticking together as these people are apt to do. This can be seen with the white Europeans in the two continents of Africa and America. Allowing for the terrain being different, even so the the Europeans went to America in large numbers and swamped the red man,but in Africa they didn't arrive in the same numbers and of course there were probably more black people there than there were red men in America ratio wise.

Just reading that Brazil has overtaken the UK as one of the leading economic nations. Thinking this might have something to do with Brazil having an increasing Protestant population. The last time I looked ..about 2/3 years ago it stood at 20 million and we remember that the Protestant countries of America and Canada were the most progressive nations in the New World. Now Brazil seems set to join them. Thats if Rome doesn't halt the progress they have made.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Wednesday, 2011-12-28, 3:51 PM | Message # 5
Colonel general
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Indeed Brasil has the fastest growing Protestant population in the World I believe. Also the problem being our own Nation has been run into the ground for so long, we have hardly any industry left or that that is left is heavilly subsidised by the State.
CulzieDate: Wednesday, 2011-12-28, 11:32 PM | Message # 6
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I remember when Thatcher was in power there was a consicious decision made to run down our industrial base. She brought a guy over from America to close the coal mines and then she had some finiancal advertiser from America too if I remember correctly. The idea at the time it was said was to make the UK more of a finiancial centre something like Switzerland at the expense of industry. In later years I can remember it being reported in the BT by some 'think tank'from here that they said that more of the indigenous people would have to get used to living on benefits as there would be a big influx of foreigners and not enough jobs to go round.

The powers that be take these decisions and its the rest of us who have to live with them. It is goverment which has brought us to where we are today. Even racial attacks etc are because of goverment and their policies of an open house. It was they who created the conditions for these things to happen.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Thursday, 2011-12-29, 8:59 PM | Message # 7
Colonel general
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I read before that a lot of the mines were still profitable when they closed. In Australia they use their coal to make electricity and fuel, so they are to an extent self-reliant. I would imagine if we where doing likewise that energy costs in the U.K. would be less as we wouldn’t be so reliant on other parts of the World for our energy and if we had less energy costs, then the more practical it would be for our manufacturing industry to remain in the U.K. rather than move abroad. Alas may be this is just wishful thinking on my part, but it does seem like common-sense.

The Government, the media, Judicial System etc, the whole political Establishment have brought about the situation that is happening in our Country and unfortunately it is the working classes who suffer the most, but I believe this has all been an agenda, our education system has been deliberately letting standards of education fall to the gutter and deliberately setting about an agenda to remove Christianity and especially Protestantism from the ethos of our society. In my mind, the ideals of the Protestant work-ethic that made the British and Scandinavia, Canada, America such success stories in years gone past and now having an impact on Brazil, amongst so many Latin American Countries to rise to the top has been deliberately done away with, and individualism spirit that Protestantism provokes, put simply as between man and his god, isn’t an attractive possibility to the Establishment, when they seek to have so much of your life controlled and linked with the state.

While I support the Welfare state, I am under-no illusion that it hasn’t been specifically manipulated by the Establishment to control our lives.
CulzieDate: Friday, 2011-12-30, 0:22 AM | Message # 8
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Good thinking there with what you are saying. There has been a definite delibrate movement away from the old days. Yes, certainly there has always been change but not at the level and speed of times gone past. Of course I know about the technology changes etc which have went on, but forbye that politically there have been big changes too. All political parties in the UK are the 'same difference' so to speak. In days gone past we had Labour and the Conservatives and it wasn't hard to tell one from the other. Now they are all much of a sameness. And you can bet that they play 'footsy' under the table. The Lib Dems are a prime example of this in action. Whoever said that power corrupts knew what they were talking about. Marx said religion was the opium of the people. It seems that TV game shows,celebraties etc are now the opium of the people and of course this suits the politicans who can burrow away with their nasty plans for our future.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
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