Couple of comments from the BT Ironic that many of you do not have a problem with the tricolour being displayed at the concert but have a real issue with Union flag or Ulster flag being displayed at Northern Ireland international matches.
Now answer this question honestly. What wold your reaction have been if she had waved an Ulster flag?
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I recall being at an Iron Maiden concert in Dublin a couple of years ago when the lead singer brought a Union Flag on stage. It was during the song "the Trooper" (as he always does for this song about the Crimean War) Despite being welcomed all over the world, and despite the fact the audience had all payed €60 a pop to be there, he was soon pelted with bottles until he had to leave the stage.
I think this story is testament to the tolerance of Northerners over their Southern counterparts when history dictates it should be quite the opposite.
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