Secularism Under Fire Black Institution slams decline of Christian ideals
By Catherine Lynagh
The Grand Master of the Black Institution launched a scathing attack on secularism and multiculturalism,claiming they have led to the demise of Christian beliefs in society. In his annual Sham Fight speech in Scarva.Co Down,Grand Master Millar Farr told the 80,000-plus crowd: ''Political correctioness,multiculturalism and diversity politics are a mask for intolerance and hatred towards the established majority and have absolutely nothing to do with protecting the sensitivities of other religions or ethnic minorities.''
In his no-holds barred speech,Mr Farr blamed modern society and Goverment policies for the downfall of Christian ideals. ''In addition to our economic difficulties we face a moral and spiritual decline where Bibical teachings and even the Commandents are disregarded in the name of equality and political correctioness,'' he said. ''The cause of these two difficulties could be summed up in one word - secularism. ''Let us be in no doubt about secularism,it is the biggest challenge we face to our beliefs and way of life.''
In front of a packed audience the Grand Master gave examples of how secular Goverment policy is threatening Christian thinking. He described the policy as an ''endeavour to bully and marginalise people''. He added: ''You can see it in our schools with the ongoing attempts to stop morning prayers in assemblies. ''This is being done to inculcate into our children a sense of values which are contrary to Christian teachings and principles.
''Christians are mocked, persecuted and threatened with the termination of their employment to force them to forsake their beliefs,yet other world faiths and secularism are openly encouraged in the name of so-called equal rights.''
He concluded the speech,listened to intently by a crowd of famlies,by saying: ''The time has come for those of the Christian faith to stand firm in their belief,to be more assertive when their heritage is being attacked and to stop apologising for doing so.
''The strength and the values which are held dear in this nation come from the open Bible.''It is the foundation on which our laws and moral principles were founded. ''The sooner we return to these values the more likely we are to find a way out of the difficulties we face.''
B.T. Wednesday July 14 2010