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The Belfast Blitz
CulzieDate: Tuesday, 2011-02-08, 4:26 PM | Message # 16
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I would say I would always see myself as British,but I believe in this day and age we need to assert an Ulster identity. It is something the other home countries are more and more doing and if the Union did break up we must by that time have established ourselves as a country in our own right. If we don't we may well be handed over to Eire as perhaps by that time we will be irishised enough to head leeming like into Eire. The story of Setanta tells how the men of Ulster were in a deep stupor/sleep and there was only Sentanta to stand against ''the hosts of Ireland''. It would seem there is a lesson to be learned from that time as once again the Ullish people are 'sleeping' and in a similar situation. But only this time we may not have a Setanta,a Carson or a Craig.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
CulzieDate: Tuesday, 2011-02-08, 5:08 PM | Message # 17
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On this day January 31 1942

Mr J.M. Andrews,Prime Minster of Northern Ireland.
In a statement yesterday Mr Andrews said: 'Mr de Valera has again dragged into the arena of political controversy the constitutional status of Northern Ireland as laid down by the Goverment of Ireland Act,1920. By that Act,the Parliament of Northern Ireland was established. Therefore,Mr de Valera has no right to interfere in Northern Ireland affairs and no claim to sovereignty over this part of the UK.

It was Mr de Valera and those associated with him who were responsible for the separation of Eire from the UK. It is they who, by their policy and actions have widened the gulf. The presence of American forces in Northern Ireland to which Mr de Valera objects is part of a vast strategic plan for the defeat of the Axis powers. Therefore these troops are doubly welcome in our territory and we are proud to be associated with them in the war. Mr de Valera,as head of the goverment of a neighbouring neutral state,evidently resents their arrival. No doubt he would have prevented it if he could,just as he has denied to Britain and the US the use of naval bases in Eire. This folly has seriously hampered the British Navy in the Battle of the Atlantic and has meant the sacrifice of thousands of gallant lives. Eire is no less in danger of invasions by Germany than is the UK. If such an attack were made the people of Eire would be glad of any help they could secure.

Mixed reaction in Derry
Meanwhile the Mayor of Derry Senator Simmons is getting up from his sick bed to welcome US officers. In his reply to what he describes as Mr de Valera's 'impudent protest' against the landing of American troops in N.I. he states: 'The UK had the right to bring troops to any part of its territory. Mr de Valera's protest coming from a neutral source,cannot be tolerated and is utterly in bad taste.'

Mr Patrick Maxwell,Nationalist MP for Foyle,takes the opposite view,stating in an interview: 'As far as we are concerned,the landing of the Americans in Northern Ireland is the same as the landing of the Germans in Norway. I support Mr de Valera wholeheartedly. We shall ignore the Americans forces as far as possible. There is nothing physically we can do to throw them out or we would do so. ''We consider the landing of American troops is an aggression against the Irish nation.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Tuesday, 2011-02-08, 10:36 PM | Message # 18
Colonel general
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Yip, we have to promote our own Ulster identity, and fight on a political front to get our own Ulster Banner officially status as the flag of this Province.

These reports from the war, show the sort of vermin that the scum really are.

CulzieDate: Wednesday, 2011-02-23, 3:57 PM | Message # 19
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Its just a pity that more attention had not been paid to Ulster as a country and a people but I think the promotion of the United Irishmen by Tone and others did over time have an effect on how the Scots and English seen themselves. The promotion of something on the basis of being a united people always seems to get to people who don't want to be thought of as being divisive. There are no football tems with 'divided' in their name but quite a few with 'united'. Sam McAughtry in one of his books talks of how even after the secession of Eire, people in Ulster were still in an Irish mode. It took a while for the people to shed that, but however it seems to be making a comeback as part of the ongoing blending in process.

Another piece from the WW2 years IN Mon Feb 21 2011

On this day February 21 1942

Shooting Of Prison Warder

The shooting dead of prison warder Thomas Walker by gunmen in Durham Street,Belfast a fortnight ago was strongly condemned by Most Rev Dr Mageean,Bishop of Down and Connor in St Peters Church yesterday.

Human life is sacred and God has hedged it around with His command ''Thou shalt not kill,''

''The supreme public authority in (is?) the state,and this authority alone,has the power of life and death. This particular murder was not perpetrated in the heat of sudden passion. It had no extenuating circumstances;it was cold and calculated. Who was responsible for it I do not know.and I assume that no one here had any hand or part in it.''

Thats a part of the report. It shows that the IRA were probably still at their dirty work while the people of Belfast and Ulster were being bombed by the Nazis. The Bishop did condemn this. He appears too to have recognisedf the state as being the authority to deal with this,though I don't understand the use of the word 'in' rather than 'is' or 'is in the state'

I think he was assuming too much when he mentioned the perpetuators not being in the congregation. Maybe he said that more in hope than reality.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
CulzieDate: Tuesday, 2011-03-01, 5:55 PM | Message # 20
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February 25th 1942. IN February 25th 2011

Ex-German Chancellor unhurt in bomb attack

Von Papen,the German Ambassador and his wife were thrown to the ground but unhurt when a bomb exploded only 18 yards from them yesterday. Shortly after a man was seen in the Boulevard Ataturk carrying some object (presumably the bomb),wrapped in rags,there was an explosion. The bomber was killed. The fact that the explosion occurred close to the German Ambassasor has led the authorities seriously to consider the probability that the act was deliberately against Von Papen.

A Catholic aristocrat,Franz von Papen (1879-1969) led the Catholic Centre Party in the last days of democratic Germany before the rise of Hitler. A favourite of President Hindenburg,he became chancellor and was instrumental in bringing Hitler to power in 1933. Oaoen wrongly believed that the Nazi leader could be controlled. As Hitler's vice-chancellor in 1934,he signed a Concordat with the Pope,later serving as German ambassador to Turkey.

He stood trial at Nuremburg in 1945 but was aquitted of war crimes.

I wonder why. wink The right contacts maybe.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
CulzieDate: Tuesday, 2011-03-01, 8:18 PM | Message # 21
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February 25th 1942 contd

Strange one this.

Stormont Policy Criticised

The Minister of Labour was again attacked for his policy of sending boys and girls from the North to work in England when Opposition members held the floor at the Adjourment in Stormont yesterday.

Mr Jack Beattie (Labour) said the unfortunate boys and girls were being compelled to go to England to work and the Minster apparently intended to continue the policy. ''If you don't go you must starve'.'' Little had been done to provide work for them at home. Was the Minister afraid to get mills and factories going in case another goverment should take them over?

Mr Tommy Henderson (Independent Unionist,Shankill) said the people were being shipped like cattle. It was inhuman and the whole policy was entirely foreign to the Ulster people. No-one wanted to go to England but the Minister was heartless. The work should be here for them. People from over the border were coming in to take jobs here while the Ulster people were being shipped out.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Sunday, 2011-03-06, 6:41 PM | Message # 22
Colonel general
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The more I read and see quotes made by Tommy Henderson the more I like the man.

Shipping Ulstermen to England to work, yet the jobs they left behind taken by the Irish. Regardless of the war time circumstances not something that’s in anyway beneficial to our Nation.

I read that Andrews complained to Churchill during the war when he formed the Irish Brigade, he objected to the name as at that time Eire was neutral but Churchill insisted on it and so they were formed.

CulzieDate: Tuesday, 2011-03-08, 5:42 PM | Message # 23
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We're in Westminster's pocket. They call the shots. Mores the pity. Not long after Ulster was founded the Royal Irish Rifles,became the Royal Ulster Rifles. Another pointer to how Craig especially felt about the name Ulster as I think it was him who pushed for the change. But it was changed back again as Westminster came more into the picture just before the 'troubles' started. As well as that they took the irish motto from one of the other two regiments they merged with. They could have easily taken one of the others,but no it had to be the irish one.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Thursday, 2011-03-10, 11:19 PM | Message # 24
Colonel general
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Yip, the assault on the word “Ulster” has been going on for decades. The whole idea of calling Northern Ireland-Northern Ireland was so it would be easier to bring about Irish unity.
CulzieDate: Monday, 2011-03-14, 4:33 PM | Message # 25
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Thats the worst RSAUB of not being masters in our own house. We are at the whim of any goverment which happens to be in power at the time. They have shown over the years that they would ditch us given the chance.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Wednesday, 2011-03-16, 11:58 PM | Message # 26
Colonel general
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No doubt, that’s why I have always believed that the only way to change things is to bring Northern Ireland in from the cold and into the mainstream of British politics plus a twinned propaganda campaign, win over our own people and those on the British mainland, make them understand that we are distinct people and eventually then proceed to have the name changed from Northern Ireland to Ulster- British Ulster or what ever else can be suggested. May be living in a dream World, but there is no reason why we can’t try our best. At the end of the day it’s better to try than to sit back and do nothing then complain when everything comes falling down around us.
CulzieDate: Thursday, 2011-03-17, 11:42 AM | Message # 27
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Yes thats what is needed. We must provide an alternative to the present trend. At the moment those involved in 'love-ins' etc are in the ascendancy. I suppose that is only to be expected after what has happened over the previous years. The people are tired and weary after 30 odd years of blood and tears. The same sort of thing happened after WW2 when the people ditched Churchill and voted in a Labour goverment. This despite Churchill being the leader who rallied them during the bad years.

Yes. We must take it ouside our own confines to the mainland and elswhere. PP is a man who has perhaps more knowledge of our situation than those who live in Ulster. There are people out there who will at least give us a hearing. Who are prepared to listen to another side of the story, and maybe then even become a supporter of our position. If not, at least an understanding of it. But to do this we need to educate our people especially our young people and especially those young people who have a hunger to learn about their history,culture and traditions,and who also have a sincere belief in these things and will not be waylaid on to a 'self-promoting' agenda and use it for their own ends. True patriots are what is needed. ''Men whom the spoils of office'' etc

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
CulzieDate: Wednesday, 2011-06-29, 1:54 PM | Message # 28
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Mystery of German parachutist in Dublin

In the Dail yesterday,Mr James Dillon (Fine Gael) asked Mr Gerald Boland,Minister for Justice,if he could name the persons that harboured the German parachutist,Hans Marchner whilst the police were searching for him,and what action he proposed to take in regard to them.

The minister stated that the only persons against whom allegations were made were Mrs Brugha and Miss Brugha of Temple Gardens,Dublin,the widow and daughter of Cathal Brugha,Minister of Defence in the Republican goverment (1919 to 1921) and who was shot in Dublin in the early days of the Civil War in 1922. Miss Brugha had been interned.

Marchner,whose real name was Guenther Schuetz was a German agent who landed by parachute in Wexford in March 1941. He was quickly captured but escaped from Mountjoy Prison,Dublin and was sheltered at the Dublin home of Mrs Caitlin Brugha who introduced him to Northern IRA leaders. They discussed German landings in Donegal but Schuetz was rearrested before he could progress these plans.

Irish News June 20 2011 (archive)

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
CulzieDate: Tuesday, 2011-07-05, 8:21 PM | Message # 29
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I.N.Eamon Phoenix column

On This Day July 1 1942

Attachments: 6368145.jpg (527.3 Kb)

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Tuesday, 2011-07-05, 8:42 PM | Message # 30
Colonel general
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Excellent stuff, another wee piece of forgotten history.