Its on TV this coming Monday/Tuesday I'm not sure which. Its a joint effort between STV AND UTV. I think its being shown on different nights by the two companies not sure about it.
Overall it wasm't bad but doesn't come anywhere near God's Frontiersmen which I thought the best of all the TV movies ever made about the Ulster-Scots. I still put it on and watch it every now and again.
Webb repeated a few times the old cry about the native Irish been driven from their land which is not actually true. At least not in the trite way that Webb put it over. I think Jim McDowell's 'Plantation,Who Got What' gives a more balanced view of what actually happened. Secondly he nevr once used the word Londonderry to describe the Maiden City. The only time he used it was when he talked about the Londonderry in America which was given that name by those who had defended Londonderry in the great siege. Knowing that,you think he could have used the proper name at least once when talking of the Londonderry in Ulster.
Once again a kow-tow to you know who.?
Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
Good 'un RASUB. Never seen it before and have posted it on U.C. Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
Thought it was quite a good presentation. Seen Born fighting on the internet, it’s not up to much as you say very much along the lines of appeasing the Roman Catholic Irish.
Thought it was quite a good presentation. Seen Born fighting on the internet, it’s not up to much as you say very much along the lines of appeasing the Roman Catholic Irish.
Yeah I thought he seemed to be using scripted words and walking a fine line in case he offended the easily offended. Nothing dare be said which could be remotely construed as not fitting in with their storyline. You think he could have managed to say Londonderry at least once when talking about the city. After all there never was a city called Derry. But having slated Webb on that count we have our own here doing their ass-licking too. How do they justifiy naming it the City of Derry rugby club,when there never was a city of Derry. The same goes for the golf club (I think), and a few other organisations. The city was built and named Londonderry. Now the Prods have threw in the towel on that one, the micks are starting on the county and its already bearing fruit. I heard on the Radio Ulster News the news reader say County Derry. Like the city there never was a County Derry. It was County Coleraine before it became County Londonderry. So they can't argue on it being an old ancient name. But still it will become a more used term for fear of offending you know who. In a way I don't blame them. Its the arse-lickers who go along with it all I blame.
Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
i meant that program, it sounded as if he was talking to the irish, thus everything being "PC'd" over and polished with a green shine.
Well it wouldn't susprise me. That was David Hume giving that talk and while he knows what hes talking about I feel that he does lean towards an irish identity. There are many now who have come out of the woodwork since the signing of that 'agreement'. Before that they mostly kept a low profile waiting till they felt there was no threat to them taking the irish road. McGrath was the man who pushed this a lot and there was talk of him being a British agent. If this was true its understandable why he pushed the irish line at the goverments behest.
I remember reading in the paper about a fella who was found dead during the troubles. The paper said that police knew that he had went into different bars in the east loudly proclaiming that he was Irish. They were following up this line of enquiry as a possible reason for his murder. Never read anything after that. He was just another victim of the troubles but it does show in a way what the feeling was in those days among loyalists and how it has and is being changed today. If that was the reason for his death, I don't advocate anything like that. I just mention it to show the big 'sea change' which has happened.
I was talking to a fella a couple of weeks ago (didn't really know him) but he had been on the parade. He said he goes to Irish dancing. Now whether he does or not I don't know. But thats what he said. He seemed serious enough.
Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
Yip McGrath and TARA. When you learn about Kincora and the obvious dirt the security services had on him for the systematic child abuse that went on there it a fair conclusion to make that he was working for the British government to their agenda especially at that time, when it has been well documented about all the dirty tricks campaigns being launched in Ulster at that time period.
The slogan use to be K.A.I-Kill All Irish what is it now?.. Hug all Irish?
When the prods have their backs up against the wall, and the IRA are inflicting genocide against our community, then we are staunch and true in our beliefs but once the gunfire disappears and peace reigns for a decade or so then the Prods are all at sea about their identity and allegiance and can be swayed by such things as more money on the dole down South and cheaper passports. Thankfully this economic crash at the minute has taken the sting out of the Celtic tiger argument for an all Ireland economy but has also led to an increase in support for Sinn Fein down South.
But that’s the Irish all over, lets elect a man who covered up child abuse in his own family and allowed the abuser to stay in a position in West Belfast were he was in daily contact with children in his care.