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The Future For Ulster
CulzieDate: Sunday, 2013-09-15, 8:48 PM | Message # 1
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In an all-Ireland. It seems you have to roll over and go long with what is on offer even if it works against you and is not what you want. You have to become docile and adapt a lap-dog attitude. It seems that Ulster today is moving in that direction too
A glimpse of what the future might contain if Ulster was to come under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Ireland. Just a few lines from an article in the NL 10/9/2013
Irish speaking Orangeman. Norman Henry, 42 lives in Bruckless, Co Donegal.
When we march we feel that what we're saying is 'we're here. we're part of the community too and we are proud of what we stand for'. I think as well its about showing that there is more than one kind of Irishness. We are proud of being Irish.
Here our priorities as Orangemen wouldn't really be to do with being a unionist as it is up north. For us its a religious and cultural thing to do with being Protestant and feeling that its important to be an upstanding member of the community honouring your civic and Christian responsibilities . Being a good citizen and a good neighbour is important.
Here in the south I'd say that we have very good relationships with our neighbours, there is certainly no animosity between us and members of the Catholic faith which is obviously the dominant faith on this side of the border.
For the most part the order down south doesn't have any of the problems it has in the north in terms of parading or becoming embroiled in sectarian arguments with the Catholic/nationalist community.
Orangemen down here consider themselves to be Irish; we are Irish citizens too.
I also speak Irish because I attended a national school growing up,and learning Irish is part of receiving an education here. In the Republic you also need to be able to speak Irish to get certain jobs. Its an important skill and I'm proud to speak it.
I wouldn't like to comment on the problems that the Orange Order has had with its parades in north Belfast because you need to be living locally in order to really understand the problems and arguments from both sides.
Usually we would fly a Union flag inside the Orange Hall'
According to our (Irish) constitution the Irish tricolour is green,white and orange and the day the Orange Order and Protestantism is treated with more respect is the day we will fly an Irish tricolour above our lodges.
Perhaps it's time that we reclaim the Irish tricolour and acknowledge that Orangeism is represented here too?

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
CulzieDate: Monday, 2013-09-16, 6:02 PM | Message # 2
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It seems nothing has changed much since Fethard-on-Sea in the Irish Republic in the 1950s. In the movie about that time 'A Love Divided' the Protestant woman goes to the CoI minister to ask him for help. His reply was that we can't do very much. All we can do is keep our heads down and say nothing.
Despite a lot of window-dressing by Dublin the same still seems to apply today. A cowed,submissive people is what awaits the loyal Ullish people

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Friday, 2013-09-20, 5:47 PM | Message # 3
Colonel general
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This Irish speaking Orangeman has decided to ignore a number of recent attacks on Orange Halls and Protestant churches in Donegal and Cavan. And talking of reclaiming the Tricolour, how can we reclaim a republican rag? And parading uncontroversial in Eire, yes I suppose if you parade to a pack of cows on Country roads in the back of beyond the parades would be uncontroversial. Try parading in Dublin, oh wait Love Ulster comes to mind!
CulzieDate: Friday, 2013-09-20, 7:53 PM | Message # 4
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lol Aye the cows are the main spectators in Donegall lol. If you kow-tow and boot-lick I'm sure you will be as welcome ''as the flowers in May to dear old Donegall'.
Carson was right when he said, in an all-Ireland you will be made to learn Irish. I can understand a bit why that guy has to take the line he does and it is a warning to Protestants in Ulster what awaits them if they are absorbed into an all-Ireland.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Thursday, 2013-10-03, 4:03 PM | Message # 5
Colonel general
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Very true, we will be sucked into the big green irish bog like so many before us.
CulzieDate: Thursday, 2013-10-03, 5:22 PM | Message # 6
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That guy does indeed give us an idea of what we would have to become, if we come under the jurisdiction of Eire. Our whole culture and traditions would be swamped by all things Irish and we would be expected to become part of that. That is what awaits us, and I believe moves are already being made in loyalist areas to move us in that direction with Irish language classes and the possibility of street names in Irish too.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Monday, 2013-10-07, 9:53 AM | Message # 7
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Very true along with already conquering our youth through such things as playing Gaelic games, All Ireland rugby, the Setanta Cup in football, and similar things in a whole range of other sports along with St Paddys day being pushed to the fore. Any one with half a brain cell can see what's going on.
CulzieDate: Monday, 2013-10-07, 2:30 PM | Message # 8
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Yip and still it goes on. They are clever though the way they present these things and wheedle their way in. They are good with the titles and words whereas as our people have the attitude ''sure it doesn't give a shit what you call it''. The so-called 'peace' centre at the Maze is a good example of this. ''Oh your against peace then'' because you don't support it.
This here in Donegall Pass is another one. Its a centre for kids with learning difficulties etc. So if you are against this you are in the wrong right away. Its in English and Irish but the Irish is first, and the name of he place is Irish too I'm thinking. The conditioning goes on.


Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Monday, 2013-10-07, 7:56 PM | Message # 9
Colonel general
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Aye they know how to play these things, masters at propaganda also helps when their masters at telling lies and back stabbing.
CulzieDate: Sunday, 2013-10-27, 4:13 PM | Message # 10
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South Side Advertiser November 2013

£1.25 M Cross- Community Centre opens at South Belfast interface

A new £1.25 million centre designed to improve relationships and reduce interface tensions officially opened its doors in south Belfast recently. Located on the junction of Ormeau Road and Donegall Pass the Cromac Regeneration Initiative was established by three community groups. It was developed and led by Donegall Pass Community Forum in partnership with the Markets Development Association and the Lower Ormeau Residents Action Group.
Is this the Gerard Rice of lower Ormeau infamy in the photo? Anyway it looks like the Pass is being ear-marked for take-over.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
CulzieDate: Monday, 2013-10-28, 5:20 PM | Message # 11
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What are Protestants getting out of all this cross-community stuff ?
We have Irish language being promoted in loyal Protestant areas. We have Irish games being introduced into our schools and the Irish culture in general being insidiously brought into our lives  So what do the Irish give in return?
It will only truly be cross-community when Protestants ask for reciprocation from Catholic nationalists. What should this consist of ?
Well for a start the above cross-community group should be working to ensure that the OO parade on the lower Ormeau Road which has not taken place for a number of years should be permitted to walk that road once again. This should also apply to other parades like the return walk to Ligoniel and the Grosvenor Rd parade on the 1st of July.
One of these groups is the Lower Ormeau Residents Group. If they are serious about cross-community then let them welcome the return of the parade to the lower Ormeau Rd.
In the name of equality and fair play they should be doing something to bring communities together. At the moment it is the Protestant people who are giving and receiving nothing in return.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Monday, 2013-10-28, 9:19 PM | Message # 12
Colonel general
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The Pass is no longer a loyalist area. It has a loyalist majority but the ethnic minority population are taking over the area, it's earmarked to be Belfast first China town.
CulzieDate: Monday, 2013-10-28, 9:50 PM | Message # 13
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The Markets like the Pass is an inner city area. Is there a similar plan for that area. Somehow I doubt it. What we have we hold is their watchword. At one time that was our watchword along with 'not an inch' and of course 'no surrender'. These phrase's seemed to be obsolete now or plain and simply are not followed anymore.
In the words of the hymn...change and decay all around I see,help of the helpless o abide with me

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-29, 9:11 PM | Message # 14
Colonel general
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Very true, we either get back to the ways of our forefathers or we sink and die!
CulzieDate: Tuesday, 2014-01-28, 11:16 PM | Message # 15
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Life in Eire

Cold comfort for southern Prods..19 May 2004

Near Sligo a retired Protestant bank manager I visited got up to pull the curtains before turning on the BBC Nine O'clock news that evening. He told me he had a regular caller at the back door requesting "a loan".

He considered it politic to pay up, admitting to fears that, if he did not, windows would be broken or the house set on fire the next time he was away.
Things may be better now. But the nature of the history means that the underlying tension is always present.

To be Protestant and/or unionist down south is still to tread on thin ice.
Two Orangemen tested its weight-bearing propensity four years ago when the then Lord Mayor of Dublin, Mary Freehill, gave support to their proposal that the Dublin and Wicklow Lodge should march down Dawson Street, the spot in the city centre where the Grand Lodge was founded in 1798.

But, then, strangely, since the lodge had openly opposed the goings-on at Drumcree, all sorts of obstacles were put in their way.

St Ann's Parish Church in Dawson Street was not available for an Orange service. The Round Room in the Mansion House would cost £4,500. It would cost another £1,500 for the police to close Dawson Street.
Then the Lord Mayor said she would not actually be attending the parade herself.
Businesses on Dawson Street complained about closing of the road - on a Sunday afternoon.

The 37 members of the lodge began to get threatening letters. One Dublin journalist set the mood. "Apparently it is not enough for us to allow our neighbour to keep a dog," wrote he. "It must also be allowed to defecate in our rose bushes". Another suggested the citizens of Dublin should lie down in Dawson Street in front of the parade.

But a third warned that the people of the Republic had sent a clear message: there would be no public demonstrations of Protestant tradition in that country, that the only good southern Prod was an assimilated one, willing to forget his heritage.
Was this so? We cannot say, for not one of the southern political parties said a word. One and all, typically, they funked it. The bigots were left in possession of the field.

So it is impossible to know whether the Protestant history in the south in the last 90 years, which includes ethnic cleansing, vandalised churches, boycotts, burnt-out Orange halls and snatched poppies, is - as we are now so often assured- wholly a thing of the past.

Up north, knocks are routine: this place is the pariah of all. The difference is that most of us know we have a lot to learn.
In the Republic perhaps the temptation has been to look too uncritically into its own back yard.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
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