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RSAUBDate: Wednesday, 2011-05-18, 11:47 PM | Message # 16
Colonel general
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And look at the state of the Country. The way things are we'll be lucky to still exist in 50 years time. I dare say in 10 years time, things will have slipped that badly the place will no longer to the same. We're on a slippery slope, that seems to be getting worse by the month. A few years ago, the idea of loyalists erecting a bit a marble to remember a IRA man in the heart of East Belfast would have been unthinkable, but its happened.
CulzieDate: Thursday, 2011-05-19, 6:40 PM | Message # 17
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Slippery slope is right RSAUB. Gradualism is the name of the game and unionists are the spanner in the works of this cosying up to Eire and republicanism. So that will have to change and be eradicated,but not too suddenly as the 'natives' might get restless. Lure them into a stupor first, which will be accomplished by gradualism and the blending in process. Next step an Eire return to the Commonwealth with an all-Ireland team competing at the Commonwealth Games following gradually too. Then perhaps at some future point a withdrawal by Eire from the Commonwealth by which time unionists will be irishised and ''sucked into the green bog''and unlikely to put up even a token resistance as they will be all for it by that time and joining the other previous generations of those who lost their identity becoming more irish than the irish themselves. Lets hope it never comes about but the trend at the moment is all in that direction.

Not sure about what you mentioned re the marble memorial in East Belfast. I can't recall anything about that. Though it wouldn't suprise me. angry

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
SlappataigDate: Sunday, 2011-06-26, 3:03 PM | Message # 18
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Quote (Culzie)
Gradualism is the name of the game and unionists are the spanner in the works of this cosying up to Eire and republicanism. So that will have to change and be eradicated,but not too suddenly as the 'natives' might get restless. Lure them into a stupor first, which will be accomplished by gradualism and the blending in process. Next step an Eire return to the Commonwealth with an all-Ireland team competing at the Commonwealth Games following gradually too. Then perhaps at some future point a withdrawal by Eire from the Commonwealth by which time unionists will be irishised and ''sucked into the green bog''and unlikely to put up even a token resistance as they will be all for it by that time and joining the other previous generations of those who lost their identity becoming more irish than the irish themselves

id hate to have our ancestors come back to look at the sketch of the place today, an ulsterman said to me the other day (hes all pro irish, were just "british irish" type of idiot) that what have we actually lost in past 10 years? before id formed the answer about population shifts and immigrants id had already said "its not what we lost, but what stands teetering on the edge to lose" and cleared off, nothing starts trouble more with me than speaking to these marxist influenced materialistic thick loyalists all into the queens veiw of us being "royal irish" etc.
CulzieDate: Sunday, 2011-06-26, 7:44 PM | Message # 19
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Quote (Slappataig)
id hate to have our ancestors come back to look at the sketch of the place today, an ulsterman said to me the other day (hes all pro irish, were just "british irish" type of idiot) that what have we actually lost in past 10 years? before id formed the answer about population shifts and immigrants id had already said "its not what we lost, but what stands teetering on the edge to lose" and cleared off, nothing starts trouble more with me than speaking to these marxist influenced materialistic thick loyalists all into the queens veiw of us being "royal irish" etc.

As a people we could go the same way as the Mayan,Incas and Aztecs did when they all became Mexicans.

Those who started us off on the 'green brick road' by holding paddy day parades etc have led us to the situation where we now have a plaque to an ira man erected in 'loyalist' east Belfast.

I think when people from your own side accept or go over to the other side it is the beginning of the end. Thatcher never beat the miners. It was those miners in Nottingham who broke ranks and went back to work who did the job for her. Maybe similar in South Africa where some whites supported Mandela and his cohorts. But wherever this happens I think it leads to victory for your enemy.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
CulzieDate: Wednesday, 2011-06-29, 1:22 PM | Message # 20
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Attachments: 2347514.jpg (178.4 Kb)

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
SlappataigDate: Wednesday, 2011-06-29, 8:07 PM | Message # 21
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irish news, 1942
article sums up our "cultural ulster nationalist" opinion, and why that should be the view of any that call themselves an ulsterman.
CulzieDate: Wednesday, 2011-06-29, 9:40 PM | Message # 22
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Agreed Slappa. OK its a republican rag newspaper but at least they have highlighted this book which tells the way it was between the south and the north/Ulster and Eire for centuries.

Of course they have their wee dig at Craigavon with the usual crap about gerrymandering and Craig's statement about a 'Protestant parliament for a Protestant people', neglecting to say it was in answer to a similar statement by de Valera....'a Catholic nation and a Catholic people'

Another thing has drawn my attention, when they mention education. Irish nationalists refused to play any part in the new state and education was one of these. Nationalist teachers opted to come under the Eire system and to get paid from Dublin. However, this didn't last to long as Dublin told them they could not afford to pay them. Later on in the 1940s the Ulster goverment introduced a Bill to help the less well off children but this was rejected by the Catholic bishops. In the same era a meeting was called with the idea of advancing the positions of all schools but the Roman Catholic schools management boycotted the meeting. Once again we see the old usual policy. Help create a situation...then complain like hell about it.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
CulzieDate: Sunday, 2011-10-09, 9:26 PM | Message # 23
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A letter to Austen Chamberlain from James Craig during the Ulster crisis

What attitude will the British Government adopt if the goverment of Northern Ireland finds it necessary to call upon their friends and supporters - more especially the members of the Loyal Orange Institution - to come to their assistance by means of arms,ammunition and money from Great Britain,the Dominions and other parts of the world where people of Ulster descent are in strength and desirous of helping?

.......contemporaneously with the functioning of the Treaty,Loyalists may declare independence on their own behalf,seize the Customs and other Government Departments and set up an authority of their own. Many already believe that violence is the only language understood by Mr Lloyd George and his Ministers.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Tuesday, 2011-10-11, 10:03 PM | Message # 24
Colonel general
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Good letter and at that time, the minister of defence in Canada was a Orange Man and the Prime minister of New Zealand was a Orangeman, not to mention the size of the Orange Order and the numbers of those throughout the Empire who were loyal to our cause, oh how the mighty have fallen. When you look back and see just how strong we were at a stage, the state our community is in now is absolutely appalling and a vast-turn around.

That's right on the money with the rebels, create the situation, then complain like hell about it as they have done time and time again.

I believe even before the civil rights protest really got it's momentum up, the IRA front that it was, they focused a lot of their attention on Londonderry Corporation as it was known then, yet that council as we now refer to it, employed more Roman Catholics than Protestants, and the Roman Catholic population had increased so dramatically because of them moving on mass from Donegal, and the majority Unionist council and Northern Ireland housing executive built brand new housing for them, while the Unionists in the Fountain and Bond Street area were left to live in their houses that were at that time some of the worst in the City.

The same as in Belfast were the worst housing was said to be in the Lower Shankill, yet the Protestant women worked in them and treated them like little Palaces, made the best of it. Just a pity, so view of our community actually know the truth and have bought into the lies told by the Ira creation and front that was the civil rights movement, but that old saying when you tell a lie for long enough, is true, it eventually begins to be seen as the truth.
CulzieDate: Wednesday, 2011-10-12, 7:35 PM | Message # 25
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Think one of the first things they worked at, was taking away the pride people had in their country. This just didn't apply to Ulster but other countries thoughout the world.

Most of this is done within the country itself by those who complain and undermine the pride people once had. In other countries its usually lefties,bleeding hearts and those who are made to feel guilty about their country and feel the need to please those who complain. The complainers don't usually get themselves into a similar situation but play on the 'we are a decent good people'stance of those they want to bring down,these people set themselves up as not being like others so are easy meat for the complainers. The bleeding hearts set themselves a standard and they are open to criticism if they don't maintain that standard. The complainers never get themselves into that situation. They are too cunning for to do that. All the complainers have to do at times is a bit of name-calling like 'bigot' 'racist' 'sectarian' 'fascist' and the bleeding hearts go into a panic trying to please and try to show that they are not what these people call them. Have to admit it is a good tactic by the complainers and has been working well for them for quite a number of years. Especially since WW2

In our situation in Ulster of course it is slightly different where the shinners fill the same role as the bleeding hearts and lefties in other countries. But the end result is the same a gradual whittling away of pride in ones country.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Wednesday, 2011-10-12, 9:54 PM | Message # 26
Colonel general
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Well put and bang on the money.
CulzieDate: Thursday, 2011-10-13, 5:47 PM | Message # 27
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Yes RSAUB these people (the complainers) made other people feel guilty even if there was nothing to feel guilty about. When you take the moral high ground then be prepared for those who will use it as a form of blackmail to hold you to their wishes however outlandish these wishes may be.

The changes which have come about in our society have IMO been the fault of Nazism and of the reaction to it after WW2 which was led by America. They set out on the opposite course to Hitler and instead of the white race being promoted, multi-racial was the road they took. People indeed became wary of all right-wing parties due to the road Hitler took.

I notice too how some footballers do not want to play for their country and yet to still play for their club. Years ago the biggest thing in your career was to play for your country. Of course you had to be born in a country to play for it. Anyway these few lines from a book called 'Goals Galore' about Nat Lofthouse (Bolton Wanderers and England) who only died 2 or 3 years ago

'This leads me to international football and the much discussed question of a £100 fee. What are my views? I will be frank. I wouldn't refuse it but,on the other hand,I would still feel honoured if I was asked to play for nothing'

'Since I first gained a place in the England team I've kept all my shirts and medals in a box my wife bought especially for this purpose. My first England shirt,of course is the one I value most. Friends have frequently asked me to give them one of my international shirts. I have always declined because I believe that winning an England shirt is something to be proud of,and the last thing a player should do is cheapen the honour by giving it to someone else'

Changed days indeed and 'the powers that be' set about to change that way of thinking,and I think the 'swinging sixties' was the time when those changes really took off.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
CulzieDate: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 5:18 PM | Message # 28
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A protester outside the Ulster 'Embassy' in London. One of the looney left I think. biggrin

C:\Users\rab\Pictures\Ulster Office London.gif
Attachments: 8079782.gif (35.8 Kb)

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 7:37 PM | Message # 29
Colonel general
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That protestor does indeed look like you're typical space-cadet left-wing muppet.

Isn’t it funny, now we have a situation that Protestants are under-represented in higher education, the medical and legal professions, under-represented in the Civil Service, Housing executive and the very Equality Commission.

IRA bombers and murderers Lord Mayors of towns like Magherafelt and Limavady, terrorists as MLAs and MPs, yet where is the out-cry from all those who shout about equality and equal rights. That’s right they just sit silent, while every other night a Protestant home or Orange Hall is attacked.

Young Protestant dragged from his car a fortnight ago in Strabane and battered at a set of traffic lights, because he was wearing a Rangers top. Where’s the out-cry?

We all know the answer, but the hypocrisy is laughable.
CulzieDate: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 10:05 PM | Message # 30
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You are right RSAUB but I think too that Prods can't be bothered. They are more inclined to walk away from a problem and usually call it 'moving on'. Its an escape clause for them. The recent turn out for the Save Ulster demo at the City Hall is just one outward sign of the general lethargic attitude of many of Ulster's loyalists.

I do agree that the usual complainers the students and such like never take up the cause of people badly treated unless these people fit into their ideals. The whites in South Africa are just one example of their one-sided approach.

I tried to PM you a couple of times but I get coming up something about the message containing 40,000 characters and is too large. Lucky if there were 40 characters never mind 40,000

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster