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RSAUBDate: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 11:44 PM | Message # 31
Colonel general
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Aye that's true, Prods just can't be bothered to be pro-active unfortunately. And indeed these students and such like are indeed hypocrites of the highest order.

I deleted a few PMs there, so should be enough room now for new one's.
CulzieDate: Friday, 2011-11-04, 2:32 PM | Message # 32
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Oh I'm with it now RSAUB. I thought it was referring to the single message. A technical fault. Silly me biggrin

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
CulzieDate: Friday, 2012-03-23, 3:57 PM | Message # 33
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Bonar Law asserted in 1912: 'Ireland is not a nation;it is two nations. It is two nations separated from each other by lines of cleavage which cut far deeper than those which which separate Great Britain from Ireland as a whole.' He concluded that every argument supporting 'separate treatment for the Irish Nationalist majority' within the United Kingdom applied 'with far greater force in favour of separate treatment for the Unionists of Ulster as against the majority of Ireland'.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Friday, 2012-03-23, 6:59 PM | Message # 34
Colonel general
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How right he was, just a pity his health let him down when he became Prime Minister. Unfortunately we'll never see his like again.
CulzieDate: Friday, 2012-03-23, 8:57 PM | Message # 35
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Aye true the present crowd are a waste of space to put it mildly.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Sunday, 2012-03-25, 11:04 PM | Message # 36
Colonel general
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Indeed, we recently had David Cameron praise the terrorist ANC in South Africa (while genocide is taking place) and now we’re hearing how money gets you invited into Cameron’s home for dinner and a private chat with the Prime Minister. Rotten to the core!
CulzieDate: Friday, 2012-03-30, 10:50 PM | Message # 37
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To find a genuine man/woman of principle in politics today near nigh impossible. I see Galloway is playing the Asian card and its turning up trumps for him. I 'laugh' when I think of how the shinners use to go on about a sectarian head-count in the setting up of BU,and then go on about how great it is in SA. Was not the present system in SA up on a racial/black head-count. Its the same with Galloway in Bradford as he plays the Asian card.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
CulzieDate: Sunday, 2012-04-01, 9:58 PM | Message # 38
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I suppose you may be able to say that this was the birth of the Provisional Government of Ulster,though I don't think they came together as a government until 1913.

On Monday 25th September 1911, a meeting of 400 delegates of the Unionist associations and the Orange Order was held in the Rosemary Hall, Elmwood Avenue. “A commission of Five” was appointed to frame a constitution for the provisional government of Ulster. The five consisted of Captain Craig, Colonel Sharman Crawford, Colonel R.H. Wallace, Thomas Sinclair and Edward Sclater. The Commission was to work in consultation with Carson.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Monday, 2012-04-02, 1:40 AM | Message # 39
Colonel general
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That's a gem of a piece of information there!

As for Galloway, what a low-life piece of scum, Sinn Fein/IRA and the ANC both played the game well, now they are in control, give it time and there will be a so-called truth and reconciliation process here as well. Which will be like South Africa were those who fought against the terrorists end up behind bars like Colonel De Kock and the black propaganda comes into play, while the terrorists laugh and sit in their positions of power, organising the cultural cleansing and physical genocide of the minority community which has been so vilified in the Worlds media, that no-one wants to hear or cares about their story!
CulzieDate: Monday, 2012-04-02, 1:26 PM | Message # 40
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Exactly RSAUB. These people know how to work the system. They caught on very early the power of the media and how to use it. How to lie and cheat was all a part of their propaganda machine and it seems to be all part of a worldwide 'brotherhood' of malcontents.

Eddie McAteer was leader of the old Nationalist party and he was also a member of the APL (Anti-Partition League) his branch chose to march though Londonderry in defiance of Stormont's ban He also chose to march though a Protestant area.

''McAteer had discussed in 'Irish Action' the possibilty of marching though Protestant terrority,he had maintained that the 'important thing' would be to 'be seen by foreign observers' On St Patrick's Day 1951, Mc Ateer and a small number of APL members attempted to parade with the Irish tricolour. Although the march itself was legal,the organisers had consciously violated the law by publicly displaying the Republican flag''.

They got the desired re-action from the police and held another march the following year but they seem not to have got the publicity they so craved then, but of course that changed in 5 October 1968.

The difference was that in the 1960s it was the time of the 'Western Spring' and with that plus the MLK thing in America the groundwork had been done for them and so they played the ''white negroes' card and got the attention of the world media.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Monday, 2012-04-02, 4:49 PM | Message # 41
Colonel general
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Very true, they knew exactly what they were doing and it's worked a treat. At the end of the day you can be right and have the truth on your side but when the lies and propaganda of the enemy become regarded as the truth the World over and the scum end up in positions of power, those who are right and have the truth on their side end up marginalised.

The only thing that gives me hope, is if we could destroy the traitors within our own community, and worked and exposed the rebels lies and the misery and destruction that they have brought to our land plus promote education of our own identity and history of our people, then all wouldn’t be lost.

But over-all between the situation in Ulster and in the Mainland, I honestly feel like demographics are beating us, in 20 or 30 year’s time I dread to think what the demographics will be like on the ground and on the Mainland by that stage Cities like London, Leicester and Bradford and Birmingham are all estimated to have the White British classed as a minority.
CulzieDate: Monday, 2012-04-02, 6:26 PM | Message # 42
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Might have mentioned I have been watching 'How God Made The English' on TV. McCulloch was coming off with the usual stuff about England/Britain always having outsiders arriving. True, but this is the first time (as far as I'm aware) that people of different colour and faiths have arrived here in such large numbers.

He did say though that it was William the Conqueror who invited the European Jews into England. So they may be classed as a different faith but he did show the Jewish connections which are in the House of Commons/Palace of Westminster. But those Jews from Europe were probably white anyway.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
CulzieDate: Monday, 2012-04-02, 7:43 PM | Message # 43
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A few lines from a book by a David Fitzpatrick

'sinister Red Hand of Ulster'. First time I have ever heard it described as that. Maybe he means in a heraldic sense as I believe in Heraldly it means on the left-hand side. Maybe the Red left hand of Ulster?

Informal though it was,the sense of belonging to Ulster,rather than merely to the United Kingdom or the empire,was essential to loyalist identity. The experience of revolutionary mobilization and the assumption of provincial power had heightened the loyalist sense of Ulsterness. The efforescence of Irish cultural nationalism in the late nineteenth century had been answered by a substantial if less distinguished literary celebration of Protestant Ulster's distinctive culture,expressed in dialect verses, tales of Ulster ways,compendia of Ulster idioms amd proverbs,tracts on the superiority of the 'Ulster custom',and historical studies of the 'Scotch-Irish'in America. The vision of a province peopled by hospitable philosophers of home and hearth,God-fearing yet canny, cosmopolitan if well-nigh incomprehensible in speech,was promulgated in newspapers and public lectures as well as in fraternal meetings of the 'loyal orders'.

Incorporation of Ulsterness in the practice of government was an obvious option for
Craig's administration,though choice of offical symbols as well as the control of schooling.

The Union flag was normanlly preferred to the sinister Red Hand of Ulster at offical ceremonies,although the provincial emblem was used in ministerial seals,in the gubernatorial flag,and sometimes in marketing campaigns. The appropriation by de Valera of the term 'Ireland' provoked the northern goverment to consider,yet reject,the retailatory renaming of Northern Ireland as 'Ulster', the designation customarily used in the loyalist press,in private corrospondence between civil servants and politicans,and occasionally in public notices. The feeling that Northern Ireland embodied Ulster culture remained a comfortable assumption rather than an offical assertion.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Tuesday, 2012-04-03, 2:48 AM | Message # 44
Colonel general
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I’ve been watching that series myself on How God made the English, typical of the BBC always promoting a multiculturalist agenda. The reality is a wee bit of salt doesn’t spoilt the broth, we’re not going to be concerned with small numbers arriving over a long period of time who only make up a small fraction of a percent, but mass immigration is nothing more than colonisation and cultural and ethnic destruction, especially the way race-mixing is promoted in the media. In days gone by, even when immigrants arrived on these shores, the overwhelming majority wanted to marry and live with their own kind, in all honesty this sort of nationalism is the most natural thing in the world, the desire to be with your own kind.

On the topic of the Jews, while they did arrive in numbers, most assimilated themselves into British society, many changed their names to Anglican sounding surnames etc, and they have the highest IQ of any ethnic group. Like the Huguenots they brought a lot to our Nation and easily a-simulated.

Even those Blacks who arrived in the 60s from the Commonwealth Countries who shared our Christain faith and had been brought up in British administrated societies did integrate to a certain extent quite well, total different story about many of their sons and grand kids all the same but some of these who arrive have total different out-looks on life and their traditions and culture are alien to our lands, and the only logical solution considering their extremely high birth-rates is mass-repatriation unless we want our grandkids growing up in a third World Country.

I would agree with some of what David Fitzpatrick is saying here, at the end of the day a sense of belonging to this homeland is only natural, we as a people are more proud of the sacrifice made by our forefathers during the Siege of Londonderry and we care more about the history of our Ulster Division and the Battle of the Somme than we care about other Divisions from different parts of the British Isles and beyond, a sense of belonging to your own area, your culture and your roots is the most natural thing in the World. Unfortunately the Government know this so they have decided to destroy our Ulster identity of a long period of time and change the primary allegiance of our people from an allegiance to Ulster to an allegiance to Ireland and at the same time killing off any sense of Britishness throughout the whole of the U.K. by making patriotism seem a hate-fill and almost nazi like concept and almost completely any kind of patriotic stories of our British heroes and proud history from our education curriculum in our schools.
CulzieDate: Tuesday, 2012-04-03, 2:16 PM | Message # 45
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Great post RSAUB which no doubt gets right to the core of where we are today. Brilliant!
I wish there were more like you who had the same grasp of things.

Trouble is with many of our young people (and its understandable to a point) that they just see the world as it is now in front of them and have no concept of how things use to be and how much they have changed to the detriment of our people here and on the mainland. We here especially are fighting (as well) to hold onto our Ullishness as well as our Britishness.

I don't know if you saw the report in the BT which said that in the 1911 census that many people on the Shankill Rd said that they spoke Irish gaelic. I find that hard to believe as I'm sure quite a few struggled with English,never mind irish gaelic. It seems to me its another thing they are dragging up as part of the 'blending in process'. Though I believe that the Shankill has always been a bit 'dodgy' in that respect. Even in more recent times (early middle 1900s) there was an ira unit there and of course as we saw on You Tube a group from there visited Bodenstown for a Tone remembrance event. Overall I think they are loyalist but there is that element there of republicanism. That church near the top of the Shankill on one of the streets off it had a minister who was a republican and the church is named after him 'Nelson Memorial' if I remember correctly.

Of course in the east too there is a plaque to a guy who took part in the easter rising. So there has always been it seems a element of fifth-columnists in these areas.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster