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Formation of 'civil rights' in Ulster
CulzieDate: Thursday, 2011-02-24, 3:54 PM | Message # 16
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One of the whinges of the 'civil rights' people was employment. They castigated the Stormont goverment about this but employment in those days lay with the employer. These were the days of having someone to 'speak' for you. This would usually be a member of the family who was already employed by a company. This happened on the Catholic side as well as the Protestant side.

The Belfast Docks worked in this way too. Blue button men and Red button men.

THE BUTTON MEN.Pat Ramsay - Aug '06

The red button section on the cross-channel docks of Belfast came into existence in 1939 when the first preference dockers, unable to cope with increased shipping at the beginning of World war11 agreed to just over 200 men being given second preference. This preference in no way gave them the right or privilege of a 1st preference button, only of course, if they were blood relations of the 1st preference men. Some of the 2nd preference men worked for over twenty years on the quay and thought they should have the same rights as dockers sons, brothers, etc. Yet when the 1st preference men opened the books to bring in new dockers, those not blood related were turned down. They collected money from their members and took a court case in 1962 or thereabouts. The two reds who took the case received compensation, but never worked again on the quay. The rest of the section was disbanded a few months after the court case. They could get work on the quay, but only as outsiders, or !
arabs as the casuals were called. A new book of fiction based on this dispute and called 'The Disinherited' will be published shortly by Belfast publishers Lagan Press. The web site is www.
Mel - May '06
The term red button men referred to dockers who worked at what was known up until the 60`s as the low dock they handled mostly timber, potato,and other cargo. The dockers who worked the passenger boats at the upper end of belfast dock were known as Blue Button men. These buttons , both red and blue where once handed down from father to son.

John entered the dock when he was 16, four years after his father passed away.
"My uncle Davy ran a gang of potato men. He was a red button man and like the rest of them he hired all blood [relatives]. Things were hard after my dad died and Davy got me to work on the potatoes. He didn't want me but after so much moaning he took me on. The bags weighed eight stone and I was eight stone one pound. There was more beef on a crutch to be fair."

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
CulzieDate: Sunday, 2011-02-27, 8:58 PM | Message # 17
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Whilst not directly founded by the IRA, the NICRA was not something totally separate from the republican movement. Members of the IRA, along with communists and Irish nationalist activists, played an important part in the civil rights campaign. In August 1966 the idea of a civil rights association was mooted at a joint meeting of the Wolfe Tone Societies, a meeting attended by Cathal Goulding who was happy to pledge the IRA's support. When NICRA was formally founded the following January, IRA volunteer Liam McMillen was a member of the committee charged with running the campaign. The IRA may have been moving in a new direction, but it is clear that they saw civil rights agitation as an opportunity to achieve long-standing historic goals, albeit via radically different tacticsvii. What would later become known as 'the stages theory' was a plan that involved a mixture of Marxist ideals, traditional 'teachings' from Wolfe Tone and tactics employed by the civil rights movement in the United States.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Sunday, 2011-03-06, 6:45 PM | Message # 18
Colonel general
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Some really interesting stuff on this topic, that really needs to be highlighted to a bigger audience and brought into the public domain.

What is happening in Ulster is a disgrace but it’s true, if you tell a lie for long enough eventually will come to accept the lies as facts rather than conspiracies or complete fiction.

CulzieDate: Sunday, 2011-03-06, 8:26 PM | Message # 19
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Right RSAUB. I have tried to do this via this site. While there are not too many particpants in the discussions I see it also as a place where people can pick up on these things posted here and take them to a wider 'audience'. Our people need to be 'armed' with this information.

It is not just this site which doesn't have more participation. The Pulse site had 3,000 members but only about 20/30(if that) took part in the discussions. Most sites are the same. A thread usually attracts more viewers than posters. So even thought there might only be a few posting, others are viewing and hopefully taking in the information there.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Monday, 2011-03-07, 0:18 AM | Message # 20
Colonel general
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Aye thats it, a lot a people like to look but not take part for numerous reasons known to themselves. For this forum we'll have to go on a bit of a recruitment drive as there is some excellent content on this site, that needs to be made available to as many loyalists as possible. Knowledge is Power
CulzieDate: Monday, 2011-03-07, 1:06 PM | Message # 21
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Yes RSAUB knowledge is power and if a person is equipped with knowledge then they are empowered to explain their position and take their message to others. The net is the only thing we have because the media are certainly not sympathetic to loyal Ulster and its people. I hope others, even if they don't participate(but hopefully they will) wil build up a store of knowledge about their country and its history.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
CulzieDate: Sunday, 2011-09-04, 12:23 PM | Message # 22
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Another IRA man to add to the list, in at the start of the 'civil rights'. The leader himself and all the 'great and good' at the time said it was just about 'civil rights'. Bill Craig has been vindicated.

In the late 1960s, a civil rights campaign developed in Northern Ireland. Adams was an active supporter and joined the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association in 1967.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Saturday, 2011-09-10, 0:42 AM | Message # 23
Colonel general
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It’s as clear as day now for anybody with half a brain cell, who was behind the formation of the civil rights movement. I only hope that in the future, when people start to look back at the information and evidence that is slowly but surely coming to light, they will see the scum for the treacherous two faced so and so’s that they are, but then again the Irish have always been very good at telling a convincing lie.
CulzieDate: Monday, 2011-09-12, 7:43 PM | Message # 24
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They have always portrayed a nice image and this has been worked on over the centuries, They are the perfect race that never do wrong and if they do perchance not live up to this image then it is always the fault of someone else. I suppose thats why when some Prods are abroad they wrap themselves in the green flag...oh i'm irish. They can bathe in the green reflection of the irish 'broth of a boy' image.

The 'civil rights' in Ulster was of course a product of the unrest,student protest,street politics,violence and of course the MLK civil rights in America who they themselves say they modelled the Ulster version on. The ground work had been done for them. The ira were in right away and all of these happenings around the globe was just what was needed to play the victimhood game again.

Those thick Prods who played a part in this were the pawns they needed to give the 'civil rights' the credibilty which helped to give a semblance of truth to their lies. These 'prods' did this, and then walked away from it all when the stuff hit the fan. They bear a heavy responsiblity for what did happen later.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
CulzieDate: Monday, 2012-01-16, 10:02 PM | Message # 25
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In 1956 the IRA launched 'Operation Harvest'defined as ''a general directive for a guerilla campaign'' A campaign of civil disobedience and street protests were supposed to precede any military actions. However,because of the pre-emption of break-away groups,this had to be forgone and was never put into action. The resultant lack of political preparation had a negative effect on the overall campaign. page 69

Accordingly, the plans for a civil disobedience and non-coperation phase which had been in the original plans were skipped over. This was a fatal error in trying to rally support for the columns. The military council of the IRA had drawn up a document but the young bloods were impatient to begin. page 90

From south of garryowen.

So we can see even 10 to 15 years earlier the plan was for street protests and civil disobedience. The coming of the worldwide protest movement in the 1960s only served to give them the opportunity to do what they had already in mind all those years ago. Bill Craig was right. He knew what was happening. But those Prods and the rest who fell for it helped them in their scheme which left us with over 3,000 dead. To paraphrase Pearse...'the fools the fools,they fell for it''.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Tuesday, 2012-01-17, 2:02 AM | Message # 26
Colonel general
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Yip, all these liberal traitors, have a lot to answer for.

Now they are pushing for a truth and recognition process, like in South Africa. In South Africa such men as Clive Derby-Lewis, Eugene De Kock, lie in prison because of actions they took against the terrorists while in the security forces and in Clive Derby-Lewis case supposedly helping a man assassinate a communist terrorist. Meanwhile the terrorists sit in government and their crimes are forgot about, and those who fought against them and haven’t repented are oppressed into the ground.

We are seeing the same here already, millions spent on the Bloody Sunday inquiry, now they are looking at the same for the Ballymurphy incidents. Yet in all this hot air, the simple facts that the IRA killed more Irish Roman Catholics than the RUC,UDR,British Army combined is forgotten about.
CulzieDate: Tuesday, 2012-01-17, 4:02 PM | Message # 27
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Once again it is America who brought this about in South Africa. They are the nation which called the shots in all of this and brought the other countries of Europe and elswhere along with them, reluctantly or otherwise. It was they who used sanctions against S.A. and other countries who did not fit into their scheme of things. I read somewhere that Burma is now making changes because of santions against them. Not saying I agree with the Burma goverment,but just pointing out how sanctions are having their effect on them too now. So it does work. As you point out in South Africa these men now lie in prison and the terrorists are in goverment. What a sorry state of affairs when things like that happen. But a lot of this has to do with propaganda and playing the martyr role.

Bloody Sunday was on TV again the other night. I happened to turn it on and took a minute or two to realise thats what it was. It showed paratroopers talking to each other and then I saw James Nesbitt and realised what it was. I never watched it at all when it was on before, so switched to another channel right away. Didn't want to watch another load of propaganda. Anything is alright with the RC people as long as it is wrapped in a green flag and for oul oireland.

The ira can walk all over them,murder and maim them but they will always take it, as they will support the murderers of their own families and friends because they are supposedly doing it for the 'oul sod'. Thats their mentality.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Friday, 2012-01-20, 6:48 PM | Message # 28
Colonel general
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Very true, at the end of the day truth and honesty doesn't come into it, when the enemy is so good at manipulation.

Bloody Sunday film is a farce, during the scenes were the paras were shooting, you would think hundreds were shot rather than the 14 who died, but that's the power of propaganda.
CulzieDate: Friday, 2012-01-20, 9:30 PM | Message # 29
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Yes truth and honesty is not a virtue of the RC irish nationalists. Now on our side. Well I remember when the trouble broke out during a Junior Orange parade as it passed the RC Unity Flats. The parade was attacked with stones and bottles from Unity Flats,that was a fact which the police verified. However, Martin Smyth and Johnny McQuade both Protestant and unionist said that they were on the parade and never saw anything been thrown from the Unity Flats. Fair play till them it probaly didn't happen at the part of the parade they were in. But can you imagine RCs coming out and saying that if the roles had been chance. They'd milk it for all it was worth.

Ulster Protestants consider themselves to be a separate nation. This nation they call Ulster
RSAUBDate: Saturday, 2012-01-21, 0:07 AM | Message # 30
Colonel general
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Very true, you only have to look at the case of this 18 year old supposedly battered in the village. Turns out those arrested are aged 13 and two 15 year olds, the next day after the incident the fella had a black eye, if you had watched the media reports he was supposedly knocked out and left for dead.The value of propaganda, regardless of the actual facts.